From the Mind of Master Imaginationist Crystal Connor ~"A Trusted Name in Terror."

The Darkness, Artificial Light, In The Valley of Shadows

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to survive a horror movie tip # 109:
If your child or infant seems especially bright, beautiful, AND has piercing blue eyes, kill it immwdiately. If you can't do it have a priest or a horror writer such as your truly to do it for you.

Word of the day:
Pronunciation: (doi-EN, DOI-uhn) noun: The senior member of a group, profession, etc.

Hello peoples! I know I'm updating my blog, the end must really be Happily Holidays guys I hope everyone is ready for Xmas and all the other things we celebrate this time of year =D

So my blog tour with Juniper Groove Book Solutions went really well, ...And They All Lived Happily Ever After! was well recv'd and the reviews were awesome. I was really worried about the feedback for The Lazarus Antidote because even though its a zombie story it doesn't have any zombies in it, so I was kinda worried that I would be slammed by hard core zombie fans but so far everyone who read it likes it. (Whew!) Here is the archived link to the tour if you wanna stop by all of the awesome blogs that hosted me and see what people had to say about my antho.

Do you guys remember last year when a blogger claiming to be a reviewer contacted me by email and requested a review copy of The Darkness and she turned out to be a church blogger and she posted pix on her blog of The Darkness buring in the fireplace? Well I decided to beat her to the punch...laughter is the best medicine but sometimes its good revenge!

This guy did an amazing job and I'm hella happy w/it. I am going to play this on a loop at the cons ;p Well that's all for now, going to grab dinner and then pick up my pen, I'm super happy with the way  In The Valley of Shadows is turning out so far. Enjoy the day,

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