My friend Kathi threw me a tiny surprise party, her thoughtfulness felt like I had walked into a gala with 100 people yelling surprise.
It was such a big deal, let me tell Kathi and I have had epic battles. We've drew lines in the sand, ripped up peace treaties, blocked incoming phone calls (back when we had home phones), vowed never to speak to each other ever again...not ever! And unfriended each other on myspace and facebook just to turn around to meet for lunch, tell each other secrets that we will take to our deaths, stay up all night watching movies or texting each other, lend each other money, buy each other gifts, bringing hot soup and meds when one of us got sick, taking a "quick" vacation just to start fighting all over again. Kathi and I fight like sisters and she is just as important to me as one. Are ever gonna fight again...probably. But that's what sisters do.
So yesterday when I get home from work I go straight to bed, and I wake up to see a spider crawling across my other pillow straight for my face. I propelled myself from bed and slammed the back of my head into the windowsill. I stood up dizzy and when touched the back of my head my hand felt wet. There was blood everywhere, it was so much blood my bedroom looked like a crime scene. I called 911, one of the paramedics told me I didn't need stitches and an ice pack would do and the other medic saw and killed the spider.
I woke up today and I feel like I've been in a car accident. My head, shoulders and neck are on fire and I'm in a pretty bad mood. I wasn't planning on leaving the house but I have a package at my post office box and if I didn't go get it today I wouldn't be able to have it til Tuesday. So off I went...and it was a package from Star! Another gift =D
If there ever comes time when I find self in trouble, and I mean help me bury the body,post my bail, establish a fake alibi, and lie for me on the stand kinda trouble Star is the person I would call. This woman has seen me through and pulled me out of some really dark times in my life and I'm not sure what I would have done without her during that time in my life. When she was living in Seattle there were weekends when we stayed inside all weekend complained about our weight while eating tons of junk food and watching foreign horror films.
She is also one of the people I call in the middle of the night when I am trying to work thru a scene or need to read thru the last four chapts out loud to someone so that I can find my mistakes...and sometimes there are a lot...And she doesn't even complain that she is now living 4hrs ahead of me.
I am still in a lot of pain but I'm in a better mood it was like getting a long distance hug in the mail. I think it's save to say that these women are a really big part of my life and because things have been a little hetic so I just wanted to take some time and say thanks, because Kathi and Star really made my days =D
Not too bad right, but then my kid sis flies into town and just seeing her was like Xmas but then I'm completely bummed out because I can not hang out with her because of that God damned stupid fucking spider...but then she pulls out of her carry on bag and hands me this:
Ok,so not only does it rock it has personal meaning. When I was maybe 12? No older than 15 I told my family that I wanted a mirror on the lid of my casket so that I could look at myself for all eternity. This horrified my younger siblings as they had images of decaying flesh, but now it's just the family joke.
Look at all my notebooks and pens! I think this should get me tru And They All, Artificial Light and about a 3rd of the way thru last book in this trilogy.
So The Monster was completed at around 10:30pm last night and was submitted to Phill Hill Press keep your fingers crossed. I really like the editor I worked with for The Monster his name is Peter and we stayed on the phone for a few hours going over The Monster line by line, comma by comma, spelling error by spelling error. Even though it sounds bad it was really kinda fun. He is super easy to work with and takes the time to explain why he changes the things he changes or the reason he makes certian suggestions.
Amber's New Friend should be done, let me change that needs to be done by the 7th because The Darkness edits have been estimated to be done by the 8th.
I'm signing off for now, my shoulders are killing me.
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